Text:   Zeichner: Gu Zheng Wei

The World of Guweiz: The Art of Gu Zheng Wei

The World of Guweiz: The Art of Gu Zheng Wei
The World of Guweiz: The Art of Gu Zheng Wei
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The second installment in the intriguing journey of Guweiz, whose stunning art has earned him over 1 million followers on Instagram.

Following on from his first book, Guweiz: The Art of Gu Zheng Wei, the artist now takes us deeper into his world of absorbing manga-style art, discussing the storytelling in his work and his evolution as an artist.

Fans will discover new insights into the artist’s creative processes, with in-depth step-by-step tutorials and discussions around working full-time as a freelance artist. Guweiz will talk about how he has grown and changed as an artist since his first Art of book, offering a rare opportunity for readers to see a famous artist’s progression documented across the years in beautiful keepsake books.

The World of Guweiz: The Art of Gu Zheng Wei

Gu Zheng Wei, Gu Zheng Wei, 3dtotal Publishing

The World of Guweiz: The Art of Gu Zheng Wei

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