The Sketchbook of Loish: Art in Progress
- 3dtotal Publishing
- Erschienen: April 2018
- 0

The Sketchbook of Loish offers readers a unique look into Loishs creative processes and idea generation, providing an insight into the role her sketches play in her extremely popular work. Peek inside Loishs sketchbook and discover how she explores gesture, stylization, and sketching for animation. Learn the different techniques she uses when sketching with traditional and digital tools, and follow the books two detailed tutorials on character construction and sketching digitally to improve your own processes. The book also features handy quick tips for capturing movement, using different line weights, shading, and using textured brushes. Including an insight into Loishs character sketching, development sketches, landscape, and reference studies this book will show you how Loish captures the spirit of her finished artworks in her exquisite preliminary work. In addition to showcasing a comprehensive collection of Loishs sketches, this book features exclusive artwork, and a special chapter exploring Loishs personal concepts to give an in-depth look at how her initial ideas evolve through sketches to culminate in her accomplished concept designs. A truly inspiring and informative book with a high-quality finish and slipcase, The Sketchbook of Loish will have you itching to get sketching!

Loish, Loish, 3dtotal Publishing
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