Text:   Zeichner: Antoine Revoy

The Harrowing Game

The Harrowing Game
The Harrowing Game

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For fans of Junji Ito comes "The Harrowing Game", a deliciously creepy manga-inflected horror graphic novel for adult readers.

The rules of the game are simple: Three ghosts gather to tell their stories in turn. Scariest story wins. Only the winner may move on.

For thousands of years, the souls of the dead have gathered to play the game. Tonight, the storytellers locked in this existential battle are a recently deceased girl with no memories, an old woman trapped in a mirror, and a smirking boy in a bathtub. Their terrifying tales span time and space, from the temples of ancient Egypt to the taxidermy labs of modern New England. Yet the same primordial evil lurks in the margins of each story. This presence tempts the innocent as well as the corrupted, and its hunger is boundless.

Drawn in exquisitely disturbing detail and full of twists you’d find in the finest horror manga, "The Harrowing Game" is full of twists that will leave you gasping.

The Harrowing Game

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