Text:   Zeichner: Pascal Campion

The Art of Pascal Campion

The Art of Pascal Campion
The Art of Pascal Campion
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Illustrator Pascal Campion shares his professional journey, galleries of work, and narrative-influenced tutorials, with charming art inspired by family life.

It was after graduating in 2000 from the Arts Decoratifs de Strasbourg, France, with a diploma in Narrative Illustration, Pascal’s brother built him a computer. This was a new tool for Pascal and a digital artist was born. Roles in commercial art, animation, games, concept design, visual development and more have supplied Pascal with unique experience and skills to share with 3dtotal readers.

He has freelanced for several prestigious clients on exciting projects. But it was his Sketch of the Day project (every morning, first thing, he creates a full-color sketch and story) that helped him to build his Instagram account. More than 860K fans follow Pascal’s daily comic strip stories, with characters and stories inspired by his work and family life. This discipline combined with the ability to communicate with such relatable and charming spontaneity will fascinate readers.

Pascal digs deep to pinpoint how his style and skills have evolved, helped by galleries of work past and present, including exclusives created just for this book. Tutorials with tips on storytelling, creating ambiance, and channelling personal experience will delight artists who want to pursue the storytelling side of their art.

The Art of Pascal Campion

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