Text:   Zeichner: Linnea Kikuchi

The Art of Feefal

The Art of Feefal
The Art of Feefal
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Whether your favourite medium is digital, traditional, or a mix of both, Stockholm-based Feefal will have used it to explore her unique world of anthropomorphised figures, animals in dream-like settings, and cool-girl magic.

Her spooky-cute style has been a constant throughout her career, amassing 870K dedicated Instagram followers who not only adore her art, but are always keen to know the stories and inspiration behind it. Now for the first time, Feefal has written a beautifully produced book, her work printed on high-quality paper, providing the chance to not only show what she does, but also how.

3dtotal Publishing excels at helping artists to communicate both the motivations behind their unique creativity, and the technical tips and tricks they use. Feefal shares the early influences that put her on the path to becoming the professional character designer she is today, including those of her Swedish-Japanese upbringing. In doing so, the ideas behind paintings such as Lamp Shade Lady, Understanding the Hahahaki Disease (a fictional ailment caused by unrequited love) and Momento Mori are explained. With galleries of curated classics intertwined with step-by-step tutorials and fascinating insights into her creative process, Feefal’s work is as intriguing as it is spellbinding.

The Art of Feefal

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