Text:   Zeichner: Catana Chetwynd

Snug - A Collection of Comics about Dating Your Best Friend

Snug - A Collection of Comics about Dating Your Best Friend
Snug - A Collection of Comics about Dating Your Best Friend
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Why bother getting out of bed when you could stay bundled up with that special someone and a book of cozy, cute comics. From the author of the bestselling Little Moments of Love comes #1 New York Times bestseller Snug, a collection of comics that perfectly captures the honest, playful, and relatable snapshots of romantic life.

Chetwynd’s second book has the same charming and inviting style as her first and includes 50 percent new, never-before-shared comics. Snug is a celebration of the quirks and peculiarities of every one of us—and the magic that happens when we find our matching puzzle piece.

Snug - A Collection of Comics about Dating Your Best Friend

Catana Chetwynd, Catana Chetwynd, Andrews McMeel Publishing

Snug - A Collection of Comics about Dating Your Best Friend

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