Smut Peddler Presents: Sordid Past

Smut Peddler Presents: Sordid Past
Smut Peddler Presents: Sordid Past
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Shelve those dusty tomes, fold up your smoking jacket, and lock the door of the study; this research trip is going to be wild! The latest in the Smut Peddler series of high-end erotic anthologies, Sordid Past is our most scholarly smutty journey yet as we dive into the annals of human history around the globe. From the depths of antiquity to the ancient 1990s, this collection is a whirlwind hands-on history lesson in the tried-and-true Smut Peddler style: broadly diverse, sex-positive, consent-driven, and tons of fun!

  • Blessed by Baal - Tzor Edery
  • The Commission - Lucy Bellwood
  • Golden Age - Anderjak
  • Forged Steel - Harriet Moulton
  • The Fifth Hour - With a Touch of Sin
  • Dances and Dalliances - Jessi Jordan
  • Conversion - Otava Heikkilä
  • A Queer Sort of Creature - Rowan Woodcock
  • Once in Fortriu - E.K. Weaver
  • Hypnerotomachia - Kit Seaton
  • Pickup Artist - Lyndsay McSeveney
  • Untitled - Erica Henderson
  • Offbeat - Dapperpunch & Momo L.
Smut Peddler Presents: Sordid Past

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