Smut Peddler Presents: My Monster Boyfriend

Smut Peddler Presents: My Monster Boyfriend
Smut Peddler Presents: My Monster Boyfriend
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The Smut Peddler series of erotic anthologies has been wildly successful, bringing quality filth to the massive underserved audience of women looking for fun, well-adjusted, and sex-positive dirty comics. This Smut Peddler release brings three new elements to the winning formula: full color, longer stories, and a focus on not-exactly-human men. My Monster Boyfriend offers ten tales of fantastic fornication, written and illustrated by some of the most talented women in comics.

  • Clutch - Nechama Frier, Dechanique
  • Lonesome Palace - Leia Weathington, B. Sabo
  • Face Value - Amanda Lafrenais
  • Pleasure Fix - Scary-T
  • Nebula - Savannah Horrocks
  • Sortuefinde 12, 213-7 - C. Spike Trotman, E.K. Weaver
  • Thirsty Work - Jess Fink
  • Whitehill House - Shari Hes
  • Spoilsport - Gail Simone, Trudy Cooper
  • A Winged Man Flew into the Shed - Noora Heikkilä
Smut Peddler Presents: My Monster Boyfriend

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