Rêverie: The Art of Sibylline Meynet

Rêverie: The Art of Sibylline Meynet
Rêverie: The Art of Sibylline Meynet
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For the first time, talented French illustrator and character designer Sibylline Meynet not only shares her beautiful artwork in this beautifully crafted book, but also presents specially commissioned tutorials, step-by-step techniques, and the story of her journey as a professional artist. Rêverie: The Art of Sibylline Meynet is a must-have for aspiring artists and illustrators in need of career inspiration and a creative re-boot. Sibylline launched herself as a freelance illustrator straight out of high school in her native France, and now works as a comic artist, character designer, and illustrator for magazines and books. Her artwork features in abundance the girls and animals she loves to draw, characters who exude charm and whimsy as well as great narrative strength and depth. Behind her artwork is a career in film and print, on projects from Scoob! (Warner Bros.) and Garfield (BOOM! Studios), to Cursed and Orange is the New Black (Netflix). In this book, Sibylline shares her experiences working in the industry, juggling work commitments with exhibiting, collaborations, and personal projects. For artists seeking new creative exercises, career inspiration, advice, and a chance to peruse the gallery of a talented and unique professional artist, this exciting new book is essential.

Rêverie: The Art of Sibylline Meynet

Sibylline Meynet, Sibylline Meynet, 3dtotal Publishing

Rêverie: The Art of Sibylline Meynet

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