Text:   Zeichner: Cassandra Calin

I Left the House Today! - Comics by Cassandra Calin

I Left the House Today! - Comics by Cassandra Calin
I Left the House Today! - Comics by Cassandra Calin


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Hilarious and relatable comics about one young woman's life, relationships, and day-to-day humorous musings on why it's good to leave the house sometimes—and when it's better to stay home.

Cassandra Calin’s ability to document the hilarity of relatable everyday events in a series of webcomics has generated a huge following on social media. This beautifully illustrated compendium of first-person comics about the trials of the single life, school, stress, junk food, shaving, and maintaining a healthy self-image. Cassandra Calin's comics frequently highlight the humorous gap between expectations and reality, especially when it comes to appearance and how much she can accomplish in one day. This book is funny, lighthearted, introspective, and artistically stunning—the perfect gift for young women, recent graduates, and anyone who might need a little comedic incentive to leave the house today.

I Left the House Today! - Comics by Cassandra Calin

Cassandra Calin, Cassandra Calin, Andrews McMeel Publishing

I Left the House Today! - Comics by Cassandra Calin

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