Hideaways: More Art from Iraville

Hideaways: More Art from Iraville
Hideaways: More Art from Iraville
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Escape to peaceful, cozy hideaways in this second art book from Iraville, with new galleries, tutorials, and insight on her processes.

Iraville is a Munich-based illustrator with a passion for watercolors, autumn, nature, birds and cozy things. This book, Hideaways, is the follow-up to the artist's first art book, Cozy Days, and continues the theme of escaping from reality into a world of tranquillity and warmth. Brand-new tutorials include one on creating a watercolor image, and another based around the application of "negative painting." Iraville also shows readers how to make their own watercolor paper and create ink from natural materials.

There are galleries of Ira's recent work, and insights on the artist's development since her first book was published. A stand-out section of the book is based around color - including pigments, mixing methods, and color theory - which aspiring artists will find invaluable. This cozy new book from Iraville makes a perfect pair with her first title, offering readers a chance to leave the realities of life behind for a while and delve into a peaceful artistic world.

Hideaways: More Art from Iraville

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