Text:   Zeichner: Raide

Golden Hour: The Art of Raide

Golden Hour: The Art of Raide
Golden Hour: The Art of Raide
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Golden Hour: The Art of Raide is the debut art book from popular self-taught digital illustrator Raide. This unique book allows readers behind-the-scenes insight into the artist’s creative process, including the tools and techniques she uses to create her stunning portraits and whimsical scenes.

Driven by her passion for character art, Raide has collaborated with big industry names such as Clip Studio Paint, XP-Pen, Huion, and HarperCollins. Fans will also know that Raide creates popular online art courses on Domestika, and in this book, they will discover brand-new tutorials and studies that focus on some of her many artistic strengths, such as lighting and expression.

Readers will also be able to follow her early creative years, from education to her first professional steps, and learn about what it takes to become a social-media success. Thanks to its high-quality finish and beautiful image-focused design, Golden Hour is a keepsake art book to treasure for many years to come.

Golden Hour: The Art of Raide

Raide, Raide, 3dtotal Publishing

Golden Hour: The Art of Raide

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