Text:   Zeichner: Bill Walko

Fortune & Glory: The Musical

Fortune & Glory: The Musical
Fortune & Glory: The Musical
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A comedic life lesson about how to break a leg on Broadway—literally—by Brian Michael Bendis, the New York Times bestselling, award-winning co-creator of Miles Morales, Naomi, Jessica Jones, and POWERS.

In the midst of the unprecedented success of Brian Michael Bendis’s character-defining run writing Ultimate Spider-Man, and the box office record-breaking Spider-Man films, the writer received a phone call that no one could have predicted. Spidey was going to Broadway, and Bendis was being tapped to collaborate with rock royalty to help the webslinger “find his voice” on stage. Could he overcome his own ignorance about musicals, or would he exit stage left before production began?

Brian Michael Bendis, cartoonist Bill Walko, colorist Wes Dzioba, and letterer Josh Reed, come together to tackle the stranger-than-fiction events behind the curtain of the pre-production of Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.

This is the second book in his celebrated and award-winning autobiographical tell-all graphic novels that proves there really is “no business like show business” (thank god!).

Fortune & Glory: The Musical

Brian Michael Bendis, Bill Walko, Dark Horse

Fortune & Glory: The Musical

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