Text:   Zeichner: Stjepan Sejic

Fine Print - Volume 1

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  • Erschienen: November 2021
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Fine Print - Volume 1
Fine Print - Volume 1
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How do you deal with a broken heart? Junk food? Excessive drinks? Dubious contracts with ancient gods? When it comes to Lauren Thomas, the queen of bad decisions, the answer is always the worst possible choice. She finds herself in a rare opportunity to have her broken heart patched up by the highest rated god of desire. The problem is, it’s a contested title. Join us in this tale of gods and mortals, love lust and death and one woman's bad choice that starts it all with a simple bite on a golden apple.

Fine Print - Volume 1

Stjepan Sejic, Stjepan Sejic, Image

Fine Print - Volume 1

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