Cozy Days: The Art of Iraville

Cozy Days: The Art of Iraville
Cozy Days: The Art of Iraville
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Ira “Iraville” Sluyterman van Langewedye is a popular contemporary illustrator beloved for her charming watercolour illustrations of nature, small towns, idyllic scenes, and everyday life. This title brings together a collection of her best work in a giftworthy, lavishly presented hardback art book, which includes never-before-seen images, impressive portfolio pieces, insightful works in progress, beautiful photography, and the artist’s own guides to handcrafting sketchbooks and watercolour paints at home. Supported by a Kickstarter campaign in summer 2018, Cozy Days: The Art of Iraville marks another high quality collaboration between 3dtotal Publishing and some of the best illustrators working today.

Cozy Days: The Art of Iraville

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