Text:   Zeichner: Heikala

Art of Heikala: Works and Thoughts

Art of Heikala: Works and Thoughts
Art of Heikala: Works and Thoughts
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The Art of Heikala: Works and Thoughts is the first major publication by popular Finnish illustrator Heikala. Heikalas artwork combines traditional watercolor painting and inks with a fresh, enchanting approach - fans love her charming characters and scenes that are largely influenced by Finnish and Japanese cultures. This combined with her in-depth sharing of her processes and knowledge, has given Heikala a social media following of over 400,000 on Instagram alone; she also has growing audiences on Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter. This visually appealing and coffee-table worthy, hardback art book not only includes Heikalas sketches, works in progress and beautifully presented paintings that her fans will be familiar with, it also includes never-before-seen images from along Heikalas creative journey; all new in-depth tutorials, thought processes and advice on watercolor painting; detailed how-to product design guides; and how she has built a successful career as an artist. A valuable book for fans, budding artists and experienced illustrators alike.

Art of Heikala: Works and Thoughts

Heikala, Heikala, 3dtotal Publishing

Art of Heikala: Works and Thoughts

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