Text:   Zeichner: Sarah Andersen

Adulthood Is a Myth - A "Sarah's Scribbles" Collection (1)

Adulthood Is a Myth - A "Sarah's Scribbles" Collection (1)
Adulthood Is a Myth - A "Sarah's Scribbles" Collection (1)
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The hilarious debut Sarah's Scribbles collection from Sarah Andersen, winner of three consecutive Goodreads Choice Awards for Graphic Novels and Comics

These casually drawn, perfectly on-point comics by the hugely popular young artist Sarah Andersen are for the rest of us. They document the wasting of entire beautiful weekends on the internet, the unbearable agony of holding hands on the street with a gorgeous guy, and dreaming all day of getting home and back into pajamas. In other words, the horrors and awkwardnesses of young modern life. Oh and they are totally not autobiographical. At all.

Adulthood Is a Myth presents many fan favorites plus dozens of all-new comics exclusive to this book. Sarah's frankness on personal issues like body image, self-consciousness, introversion, relationships, and the frequency of bra-washing makes her comics highly relatable and deeply hilarious, showcasing how she became one of the most influential voices in web cartoonists.

Adulthood Is a Myth - A "Sarah's Scribbles" Collection (1)

Sarah Andersen, Sarah Andersen, Andrews McMeel Publishing

Adulthood Is a Myth - A "Sarah's Scribbles" Collection (1)

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