Adulthood Is a Gift! - A Celebration of "Sarah's Scribbles" (5)
- Andrews McMeel Publishing
- Erschienen: Oktober 2024
- 0
With new and classic Sarah's Scribbles comics, essays, stickers, and more, this book is a celebration of one of the best loved comic voices of a generation.
With 100 comics, 15 essays, and dozens of photos and sketches, the fifth Sarah's Scribbles book offers a rare look behind the creative process of one of the most original and beloved comic artists of a generation. A comedic companion to her first book, the bestselling Adulthood is a Myth, the artwork and writing in Adulthood is a Gift! is a celebration of the many experiences and life lessons the author has picked up in her decade of making viral, relatable, and award-winning comics and books. This book also includes a sticker sheet.
Sarah Andersen, Sarah Andersen, Andrews McMeel Publishing
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